Esportiva Aksa

Esportiva Aksa

The Monkey Climber

The Monkey Climber


Monkey Feet Spray from The Monkey Climber is presented as the ultimate solution to the torture of putting on your climbing shoes at the beginning of each climbing or block session. It is a spray lotion specially developed to facilitate be placed shoes and allows the use of smaller sizes than usual, with the aim of improving precision and safety during climbing route. In addition, Monkey Feet shortens the time necessary to tame climbing shoes, improving the experience in their daily use.


The Monkey Climber

The Monkey Climber
The Monkey Climber

The Monkey Climber



Esportiva Aksa, S.L.

C/ Ramón Albó 60. 08027 Barcelona

+34 93 351 98 61


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