Esportiva Aksa

Esportiva Aksa

Solar Brother

Solar Brother


Ingenious, efficient and environmentally friendly, Solar Brother designs and manufactures items intended to provide heat for starting a fire or cooking frugal cookouts. Taking advantage of concentrated solar technology you can light a fire in a few seconds, with free energy and in complete safety. No flames and no smoke. Solar Brother has won the Lapine Awards on 3 occasions, an international competition that annually has awarded the world's most curious and practical inventions for more than 120 years.


Solar Brother

Solar Brother
Solar Brother

Solar Brother


Cargador solar SUNMOOVE®, de Solar Brother

Cargador solar SUNMOOVE®, de Solar Brother

Ducha solar y acumulador de agua SunWater, de 7 y 15 litros, de Solar Brother

Ducha solar y acumulador de agua SunWater, de 7 y 15 litros, de Solar Brother

Linterna y batería externa SunSun de Solar Brother

Linterna y batería externa SunSun de Solar Brother

Solar Brother, eficiencia a la hora de encender fuego al aire libre

Solar Brother, eficiencia a la hora de encender fuego al aire libre


Esportiva Aksa, S.L.

C/ Ramón Albó 60. 08027 Barcelona

+34 93 351 98 61


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